Televisores CRT de 30-39 pulgadas

30" - 39" CRT Televisions

Cathode-ray tube televisions are strong elements of in-home entertainment systems. You can still get CRT TVs from top manufacturers like Samsung, Sony, and Toshiba. With the wide selection of CRT televisions, you can find the specific model you are looking for at a price that works for you.

How does CRT technology work?

CRT is a technology used to generate images on a screen using electrons. Television, video, and later desktop monitors used it. A cathode, which serves as a negative terminal, resides in a vacuum within a glass tube. The electron gun in the back of the CRT shoots electrons to the front, and they reflect off a screen that contains phosphors.

This screen is conductive, which is what allows it to absorb the electrons. When the electrons come into contact with the phosphors, they produce a blend of light, which is what is seen on the display for color television. The screen is coated with a single phosphor that glows white in black and white.

The stream of electrons requires magnetic charges to guide it. Steering coils in the tube are responsible for creating the magnetic fields. One set of coils steers the electrons vertically while the other set moves them side to side.

Altering the coil voltage controls the position of the beam. The tube in this system is what dictates the large shape of the CRT.

How do you maintain a CRT TV?

To make a tube TV last longer, it's important to take care of it and keep the screen clean.

  • Turn off the device, then use a rag to wipe off dust and other particles.
  • Use a soft damp cloth to wipe off any stubborn marks, scrub gently if they don’t come off with a wipe. Then, remove excess moisture from the display with a clean, dry cloth.
  • You can use special products for cleaning electronics, although water is effective as well. Be cautious about using home detergent on the glass.
  • Remember to dust the plastic casing on the sides of the CRT TV where dust can accumulate.
  • Ensure that your TV has enough ventilation on every side to prevent overheating due to the high voltage input.

Can you use a CRT TV for gaming?

Yes, the high-quality picture produced by a CRT-based television is one of the reasons the technology is used for retro-gaming. For one, CRT televisions from a top manufacturer like Sony don’t present a lag problem. Frame consistency also makes a CRT TV suitable for games where the player has to focus on every twitch. Find your CRT TV for sale today.