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Reinventing Your Look With a Human Hair Hairpiece Toupee

A human hair topper can help transform your look in an instant. Hairpiece toppers look a lot more natural than ones from the past, ensuring that you can wear one with complete confidence. Choosing the right topper from the affordable selection on eBay is key to making sure the final look works, so check out below for some helpful tips.

Can you use wig toppers on specific areas of the scalp?

Wig toppers are designed to be used anywhere on the head that you are experiencing hair loss. Some people have thinning hair or hair loss in the front of their heads, so they'll choose a topper that focuses on that area. Some people have hair loss that's focused on the side of their head, and there are toppers to fill in those areas as well.

What colors do toppers come in?

Toppers come in just about any color you can think of. Since their designed to match real human hair, they tend to be found in the most common human hair colors, including browns, blacks, reds, and blonds. Since the topper is supposed to blend in with your hair, choose the one that most matches your hair color.

How do you decide which topper to get for which type of hair loss?

The stage of hair loss you're addressing will determine which hair topper you should purchase from eBay.

  • Beginning stage hair loss: If you're dealing with beginning hair loss that occurs in a pattern at the top of the head, you'll need a topper that has a small base or one that has an integrable base.
  • Progressive stage hair loss: If your scalp is really becoming noticeable through the hair, choose a topper with a medium to large base.
  • Advanced stage hair loss: If you've got extremely noticeable hair loss where you're completely bald in certain areas, you'll need a topper with the largest base to cover the entire area.
You can choose a monofilament base or a classic base.

There are two types of bases you can choose when choosing your human hair topper. A monofilament base has hairs that are individually attached to the mesh base. This type of base looks very realistic. A classic base is one that's made with rows of wefts. This type of base may allow you to pull your own hair through the wefts to create a more seamless look.