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Sansui Record Player and Turntable Parts

After many hours of listening, your Sansui record player may begin to malfunction. In many cases, these malfunctions are the result of individual components that have become worn out after prolonged use. Fortunately, you can acquire replacement parts for many of these Sansui record player and turntable parts to keep the tunes coming for a long time to come.

What types of components are available for a Sansui turntable?

Your Sansui record player is made up of many complex components. Given the more mechanical nature of a Sansui record player compared to a CD or digital music player, the movement of components in your player can ultimately lead to necessary replacement over time.

  • Headshell: If your audio has degraded in quality, it may be because the headshell has worn out. Several different headshells are available, allowing you to either do a direct replacement or even perform an upgrade.
  • Belt: A turntable belt can wear out over time due to friction. Ensure you select the right length for your specific player.
  • Needle: Given it's constant friction with the surface of the record, needles can wear out over time. A worn needle can have trouble reading records and can even damage them in extreme circumstances.
  • Tonearm: If your tonearm has been damaged, replacements are available. The precise calibration of the tonearm means that they must be in working condition to ensure proper operation of your Sansui record player.
What do you need to consider when choosing replacement parts?

As mentioned, the precise calibration of your Sansui record player requires that replacement components be used. In addition, special care must be taken to ensure that the correct components are selected for a proper fit.

  • Size: The size of your Sansui record player will determine what length of tonearm you need, what size platter you need, and help you select other size-specific components.
  • Model number: Players that are similar in size with different model numbers may require different components. Make sure you note your complete model numbers as you consider which components to select.
  • Age: As models changed through the years, so did the components that made them up. By understanding the age of your player, you'll be able to further narrow your parts search.
  • Quality level: As with most electronics, there are different levels of replacement components available. Consider your specific application to determine the types of components you need to select.
How do you maintain a Sansui record player?

As convenient as it is to be able to replace worn-out components, you should also know how to properly maintain those components once you have them installed.

  • Keep it clean: Keep your records in their cases when not in use. Also, clean them before placing them on the player to prevent a buildup of dust on the needle.
  • Clean it right: If your stylus or needle does collect dust or oil, it's important to use a specialized cleaner to ensure it doesn't further clog it up. However, avoid cleaning it more than necessary, as you risk damaging other components on your Sansui record player.
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