Vitus Bikes

Vitus Bicycles

Road racing gives you a rush of adrenaline. It inspires you to push yourself harder and faster than ever before, while also giving you the chance to maintain a high standard of fitness. Vitus bikes allow you to do all of this. Models include the Venon Disc, the Vetesse Evo, the Sommet and the Mach. Athletes who ride Vitus Bikes include Killian Callaghan, Michelle Muldoon and Chris McGlinchey. These bikes are available in a huge range of designs, colors and styles to suit the needs of every rider.

Vitus Road Bikes

Vitus road bikes are intended for smooth terrain. The frames are incredibly light, making it very easy to gain momentum. They are not suited to uphill treks and they are also not suited to rough terrain either. Vitus bikes usually have dropped handlebars that curve down. This helps the rider to assume an aerodynamic position while also making sure that their body is streamlined for speed.

Vitus bikes have a set of gears that allow the rider to adjust the bike according to the speed they are going at, the tension they need the pedals to be and even the force it requires to pedal the bike forward.

Vitus BMX Bikes

Vitus BMX bikes are much smaller when compared to road bikes. They have thicker wheels and often come without gears. This is to help the bike maintain the same standard of control and momentum as it is pedalled forward. Vitus BMX bikes have a very durable frame and they are often available in a range of bright colors.

These bikes have an effective suspension which helps to absorb the shock of the bike as it lands. Vitus bikes are suitable for those who want to get fit as well as for those who want to take their stunt game to that next level.