Vivitar 90mm Camera Macro/Close Up Lenses

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Vivitar 90mm Macro

You can take advantage of a number of photographic opportunities with a Vivitar 90mm macro lens. When you have an SLR camera, you can find a lens on eBay. Shop new and used macro lenses with an array of features.

What is a macro lens?

A macro lens is a camera lens that allows you to get extremely close to your subject while maintaining focus. Even the most microscopic subjects can be captured in sharp detail. Most lenses offer a magnification ratio of 1:1 with a minimum focusing distance of 12 inches or less. You can get close to flowers, insects, and much more to get a detailed photograph. This type of lens can attach to any SLR, regardless of whether it's digital or film.

What's the difference between a fixed and zoom focal length?

When you shop for a Vivitar 90mm macro lens, you will see that there are the options for fixed and zoom focal length types. A fixed lens means that the only available focal length will be 90mm. However, if you choose a zoom lens, you can zoom in and out, adjusting the focal length. The most common zoom macro lens is 28-90mm, allowing you to go from wide-angle to telephoto. It provides you with more options when getting close to your subject though it can also have its downfalls in regards to a large maximum aperture at all focal lengths.

How does the maximum aperture factor in?

The maximum aperture on a lens always needs to be a consideration. The aperture identifies the opening for natural light to enter the lens when the shutter opens. Particularly if you want to use faster shutter speeds, it is important to have a large opening. The smaller the aperture number, the larger the opening is. This will also make it easier to photograph in lower light situations without having to rely on a flash unit. The following apertures are available for Vivitar macro lenses:

  • f/2
  • f/2.5
  • f/2.8
  • f/3.5
What is the mount type?

The mount type is critical because you need to make sure the lens will fit on your camera body. The mount of the camera should match the lens mount. Otherwise, you will need to use an adapter to guarantee the right fit. There are a few common mounts available for a Vivitar 90mm macro, which are listed below:

  • Canon FD
  • Minolta MD
  • Nikon F
  • Pentax K
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